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need engine cooling hose part numbers

hi guys, i bought 6 feet of the 1 3/8 inch NAPA hose, and 2 of those 8919 hoses , which turned out to be too small for the water pump and too big for the metal lines. i have all new hoses, metal lines and clamps on my push button, but i need to find the 2 hoses for the drivers side at the engine, and the single 90 degree hose that goes from the metal line to the tank.(right side) this is the only thing keeping my car off the road, so any help or part numbers would be great.

i did call a vendor, but he told be to go to a local auto parts store.

i live in rural Georgia and they will not let you just walk around and measure their assorted hoses in inventory, so any help would b great, even if i have to order the 3 hoses!

Michael, push button 1355
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