Wow, a plethora of great info for a seemingly simple question. It sounds as though I made the right choice when I told the mechanic to order the "better quality" Holley 750. It's been years since I've dealt with carburetors. The last one I seriously fooled with was on my 1970 Javelin 360, so my knowledge is quite rusty.
My goal is to get the car into "dependable" driving condition (already upgraded the cooling, updated to electronic ignition). I'd to have some fun with my Pantera before, sadly, selling. Unexpectedly, my wife is about to pop out twin boys. The Pantera was suppose to be my long term, fun project. Now I have to make some space and eventually move it down the road. You've been great help, so I'm sure I'll have a few more questions coming up in the not-too-distant future. I'm lucky I have a guy working on the car who use to work on Panteras at an L-M dealer when they were first introduced.
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