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New engine ran then stopped

This was a complete rebuild even the gas tank was cleaned etc.

1. Poured some gas in the carb, hit the key and she started right up then died. I never filled up the dry tank I just wanted to see if it would fire.

2. Put 5 gals in tank (really sounds funny in a completely empty tank) put in the coolant then pushed her to the driveway to start.

3. Primed it again and she fired right up then died. The filter filled up and gas was the carb.

4. Raised the idle screw a bit on the carb and hit the key and she fired right up. Idle was good running at about 1000k rpm then it was like I turned off the ignition.

5. Cranked again and nothing.

6. I started to freak out because I went to a roller cam and had to change the iron gear in my msd to bronze. I was hoping that the pind did not shear off, to many stories here about that.

7. Pulled off the cap and cranked it and it moves fine.

8. Set the balancer on TDC and checked the rotor and it's rith on #1 (well a bit advanced).

9. Put the cap back on and pulled off a plug wire, put a screw driver in and grounded it and not spark.

10. pulled off the coil wire at the dist. and put the screw driver in it and grounded it and no spark from the coil.

11. Turned the key to on and checked the positive side of the coil (msd blaster) and nothing.

What should I check next? Does the coil only get current when cranking? I don't think so because the key is on when the car is running. All fuses check out ok. Is there something funny about the ignition switch that will not give current to the msd by just turning the switch to on and not trying to start it first? I know the break lights only work if the engine is running, at least on mine it's like that.

The engine sounded great untill it was like someone turned off a switch.

Thanks all
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