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New Pantera In Canada - finally posting pics

Well folks, I sent out a note about a month ago saying I was about to buy a Pantera out of the U.S., and the response from everyone was amazing. The car finally arrived about 2 weeks ago - the day before I left for vacation so the car and I had some separation anxiety for a week before I got to play, then I had 3 days before taking a second trip :-( ... But now I'm back and the car and I have already met some neighbours I've never seen before - funny how that happens! In the 20-30 miles we've racked up, I've learned that it has very strong opinions about how it wants to be driven and I'm sure I'll learn more in the days/weeks/years to come.
BTW, thank you to both Will and Dave for reaching out by phone to extend their welcome to the cadre of Canadian Pantera owners, as well as to everyone who sent welcome/congratulatory notes.

I'm going to try posting some shots of the car - The first is while it is still at its former home in Michigan when I went down to inspect it


Images (1)
  • P1140664
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