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Reply to "New setup for wheel alignment"

@rene4406 posted:

Why not use a system such as this one which gives good results: yjPtNgA5e%2FLpxt046H%2BJ02as3vjLMw9%2BL8CVlVP53qP%2BMFVBQjZYgH8knQS85GNL kS7HuRhDKuOmREnr5%2BUfaEX9te48DW%2FPAsrRORgAcPvPsOR762290ymaT1EvvHefjvIc psvT2Oq2RLVcfvIEwtvjJRNxtD8AnbkEpdfIQpMdBIbcQu%2BOUgAIR4T6z%2B%2FilnKIxSUv93 6UPoJdAjrjBIuhUDHImqwslDMEm9eS3Xfwwj3NcFGCtV8jhljHPrVKDyvWf8oFRIv4wyf%2BI81W4 xFVgUNpsbQ%3D% 3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_LZ76eaZA

I have the system above (Trackace laser) and will use it as suggested once the car is back on the ground.  All of these systems have their pluses and minuses.  

The Track Ace laser in the eBay listing above works great and I will use it for the final toe in setting.  It is very precise.  It can be tedious to use if things are far out of specs after a bunch of reassembly of the front end because you have to recalibrate the system after every change to the toe in setting.

This new thing from Amazon seems helpful when a bunch of suspension rework has been done.  It seems good at helping get things near specifications after significant rework, particularly for centering the steering rack and the steering wheel. It also gets the toe in setting somewhat in the ball park.  Overall it is useful to a limited extent while the car is off the ground.  It does not cost much.
