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Reply to "new smog law in california"

Here is a sample letter for an enthusiast to sumbit. Simply change any portion you see fit. Make it stronger or water it down as you wish. Thanks for your help! Paige, Linda and Dave

Your Legislator

Re: SB 708


As one of your constituents, I urge you in the strongest terms to oppose the above captioned Senate Bill. This piece of legislation threatens to jeopardize an important automotive hobby. I am not alone in my concern. As you most probably know, there are many other citizens whose passion for older and antique automobiles as targeted by this bill, make up an important part of their lives and livelihoods.

Should this bill pass, I could easily envision not only the loss of this automobile hobby but also the loss of a great part of California history. Most of my friends who own cars that would be threatened, have already made it clear they would simply move to another state rather than lose their cars. The reason why the affected cars would be lost is that it is cost-prohibitive or nearly impossible to bring them into compliance with emissions laws or by doing it would destroy the performance of the vehicles. For a citizen of California who already feels over-burdened with taxes and our own unique problems, this could be the last straw!

From my own experience, my collector car which is less than 45 years old (1972) is seldom used other than for occasional Sunday drives, parades or club events. Indeed, I have placed less than 1,000 miles on the car in this past year. Although we all are interested in having cleaner air in our State, there must be a careful balancing of this concern with the hardship it may place on a minimally intrusive use by a collector of their prized automobile.

Should the goal of this legislation be more focused upon generating revenue, please consider as an alternative simply placing an additional tax or license fee on the subject cars that is reasonable. To enforce any legislation as constituted would only add another layer of bureaucracy and expense that may be difficult to enforce in the first place. In addition, making it a misdemeanor to fail to pass would make criminals out of citizens who may not have the means or wealth to bring their cars into compliance. Don�t we have enough criminal cases already? In addition, what will become of the offending automobiles? Will they be placed in State owned car crushers or deposited in the desert to decay like old airplanes?

Finally, an entire and important industry exists in this State that would be imperiled should this legislation pass. The many manufacturers, distributors and vendors involved with the targeted automotive industry could discover their entire California market has literally vanished! Consider the economic impact that were to have, upon what I understand is a multi-billion dollar industry. An unfortunate and predictable fall-out would be that California would tarnish its image as a leader in industry and recreation and would instead become quickly known as a more repressive, Draconian, anti-auto enthusiast State. I don�t want to see that. It isn�t necessary.

On behalf of myself and many other automotive enthusiasts in this State, I respectfully request that you employ your influence to reject the pending legislation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions or comments.

Very truly yours,