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Reply to "new smog law in california"

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Terry M:
[B]I just received this reply from Senator Florez.

Why have I undertaken this initiative to clean up our air? Air pollutants
in the San Joaquin Valley have gone up 17 percent in the last three years

(DOES 200: So, ok, then pass an ordinance in San Joaquin Valley and leave the rest of us alone! I wasn't aware that this bill only applied to San Joaquin Valley.)

SB708, with our most recent amendments, will require vehicles over 30 years
old which are driven 12,000 or more miles a year to get a smog check. Cars
which are not used as a primary vehicle, driven on a dailty basis, should
not fall under this definition. The collector car industry representatives
we have worked with so far agree that this is a fair compromise which
protects collectors and hobbyists, while cutting down on auto emissions.

(DOES 200: That's nice but how will this be monitored? Check in with the DMV each year to have them simply read our odomiters?)

(DOES 200: One of my buddies said a similar bill faied about a year or two ago, because it was targeting ethnic minorities and the minorities and their supportive groups filed complaints, stating that it was discriminatory by targeting them because they drove these older type cars).

(DOES 200: Can anyone simply ask the Senator how many cars he sees on the road that are over 30 years old? Or better yet, I would like to see the actual stats (% of cars older than 30 years old that are currently registered). When I drive around CA, it is very very rare that I ever see a car that is older than 30 years old on the road, at least in Orange County anyway. I say protect your presious San Joaquin Valley where it appears there are massive amounts of cars greater than 30 years old, and leave the rest of us alone).