@stevebuchanan posted:My stacks are 3.73" diameter. The seller cautioned that there are not any filters available for them. I will likely have to fabricate screens or filters.
Also, some of the screens and filters are pricey. Some are about $100 each.
Another option is a plexiglass shroud. Here they are on Ferraris.
They have no mice in Italy to climb into the stacks and nest there while you are not watching over the car. You need screens.
You can get those plexiglass covers at one of those "all you can eat restaurant buffets".
Just wait for the owner to walk to the back and take one and slip it under your coat. That's how I got mine. It was from a Chinese restaurant, not a Ferrari.
Just another Chinese racing part.
Do mine look like I bought them somewhere? The screen is easy to form. You just wind up with stuck finger tips for a week or so. Stop wimping up.