Great to know there's a site with such great resources and helpful people. Unfortunately if you guys have a meet anytime soon I probably can't make it with the pantera because I don't know how much work will be needed to get her running. The previous owner is very kind to let me leave her in his garage and help me work on her for about a month so at least I can start her up. I just moved into Stamford and bought a house with no garage
I am trying to cut through all the red tape to get one built but town is tough. They cant understand why the garage is going to be bigger than the house. I'm trying to build a six car garage with a seventh bay for a music room. Hopefully within next few months then I can start taking pictures of progress. Feel kind of stupid doing that at a strangers house. So no photos for now. But definitely will be needing all your advice and opinions on modifying maybe weber setup or maybe fuel injection. And some other goodies. But can't wait to get started on them. Thanks again for everything. Now the only thing I can do while I do not have car is research. She will be coming home in about a month. Don't know how to post pictures but if you guys want I'll take photos of her stablemates. Just gotta let me know how to post photos. Thanks again for all your help and support and look forward to meeting some of you. Just one last question does anybody know what the 4 mans in the vin no?