Aalborg has always been a fun place to visit. Unwillingly also visited the local police station in my Youth....after some late hours in Jomru Ane's street ??...

Last time we visited Nurbürgring we spent an hour or two on the parking lot before we went in; so many awesome cars !! We're going for the VIP tickets With Access to the depots, champagne, etc.

Along With the Pantera (under restoration) the plan is to bring along an 914 as well (undergoing a minor restoration); the guys driving down picking up some 4 ladies in Bremen (flying down).
Panther: What kind of Porsche did You test ? I've had my 5 911's of different time periods over the years (in between some MGB's, TR6 and SL).
Anyway; hotels booked, tickets ready, just have to remember the McYver- tape.