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Reply to "Omni/colt mirrors"

One thing that Hall did sell with whichever the "mopar" mirror it was, was a cover for the inside of the glass.

It isn't necessary physically but because you glue these mirrors to the glass you will see that from inside of the car if you don't use something like them. Can you be very artistic with the adhesive? Maybe use different colors?

The issues with the Pantera specifically is that the hips block a lot of the rear view unless you project the mirror out far enough to see around them.

You can't really completely fix the blind spots but you can help somewhat. You could go to a rear view camera with the screen mounted to the "rear view" mirror but will need to go to a modern electronic rear view mirror to do that.

The "new" Camaro mirrors do go a long way to seeing around the hips. They mount to the door with studs through the sheet metal but really project out from the car.

Neither one of these mirrors, the Camaro or the Mopar, swing up for "storage".

They both project out far enough to make themselves vulnerable to things like people walking by and walking into them. This also creates a problem in your garage and in any kind of a parking lot too.

4 and 5 year olds will walk straight into them taking the emergency route to their bikes and NEVER see the mirror coming. Worse yet, they will get cloths-lined riding too close on their bikes to look at the car.

The Vitaloni's do project out as well but one advantage that they do have is they do swing up for storage and have somewhat of a shock mount. At least mine do.

The problem there is they haven't been made in about 20 years or so and there are other Italian copy cat car owners that out bid you for them and put their prancing horse decals all over them like little kids do?