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Reply to "Ornament, external fuel filler"

@panteradoug I think you and a few others know all the crap I did and still doing on my car.. And interesting enough every day I learn more and more and it amazed the shit out of me… You know, when I was working on airplanes and you have to pay attention to every minute detail and that stuck with me… so funny… I can make a mess, work in it  and it doesn’t bug me, but if the bolts are not lined up correctly, and the washers are not the right side up - you know the round edge facing outwards and the sharper towards the material…  oh my…  that the right side of my car is almost 1/2” shorter  than the left side… That just amuse me 🤗 but who, on God’s earth would measure that stuff… me 😓 just walked by and something didn’t look right… HOW…??

@FWJ and there are a few devils in details! Just a recent endeavor of mine..

There are some threaded holes on the backside of the transmission (where the cast steel plate Bolts on ) that are open to the transmission… so, if one of those studs breaks off and you try to get it out… You start drilling it with a small pilot drill and then next drill up and suddenly the drill catches and drilled (screwed) the leftover stud (about 1/2” long ) all the way into the transmission and falls in.. There is a devil in the detail…. And some operator error as well…  but now… I know how it looks inside there…



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Last edited by LeMans850i