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Reply to "Outrageous Comments or Questions Made by Car Show Spectators"

This was 1998,I was showing in front of the 4 Queens, Gary Hall was just close enough to watch what was, well here's what happened..
The night before, a group of my compatriots decided to sample every bar on Fremont street, the next day my head felt like it was an over inflated football that had been kicked for a field goal from the 50 yard line, I was facing my self inflicted migraine all the way through the staging and set up of my car. By 9am I could take it no more, I went into the 4 Queens and fortunately their was a bar only a few feet away, the cure was a bloody Mary, high on spice and octane, I administered the medicine and left the pharmacy, I opened the door to the plaza and started to focus on my car...
Was it my hangover or was my car violently rocking back and forth like it was on a bumpy road, I studied my self, this is weird was all I could think as I approached, I could see in my out of focus pear ring silhouetted heads a jumping, back and forth over the consul, like crazed kangaroos were two of the three six year old's, the third kid was steering as if he was negotiating turns 5, 6, and 7 at Willow Springs, as the others would land on his seat and spring to the other, his little hand would slip off the shiftier as he continued trying to get a speed shift into 2nd, fortunately he had no chance of reaching the peddles. I looked in and all the exuberant out of control animation froze, looking back at me from the dark interior were three pairs of very wide eyes, Gary was laughing, the other guy's around him caught on and they were laughing, I started to giggle myself as I opened the door, come on boys the rides over, just at that moment I head the loud voice of mama, you boys get overhear! she stood in front of my ride and with her hands on her ample hips declared I'm gonna snatch you heads off!! They scurried in and around their protector like quail around a turkey, they turned away with mama, her loud voice like a carnival barker scolding and swiping with her free hand, while holding her two foot long oversize test tube purple rum cocktail in the other, they seemed to melt into the crowd
as they headed down the street. I turned ( locked my car ) and headed back to the pharmacy,
standing in front of the bartender he said another?? Yea I said make it a double.


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