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Reply to "Pantera #4230 - Can you tell I'm obsessed?"

Yea, Tony,

It sounds like we pretty much agree with Pantera styling.

I definitely like no-bumpers more than L-bumpers, and would remove those pointy rubber things from any car of mine ASAP.

Though since I'm ultimately after a black car, I'm am called to the chrome bumperettes (front and back). Fully blacked-out looks too much like comic-book japo-tuner to me. So, I have been loving the black spokes with deep polished dishes like you mention. I'd even keep the chrome window trim for the retro euro look.

As for tall tires...mark my words, they are gonna come back into fashion any day! The giant chrome wagon-wheel thing has gone on too far, for too long. (Actually I'd don't mind it..there is something cool about an old car with racy modern wheels.) And I suppose that in performance situations, low-profile is important. But for the guys building show cars, especially anything with a hint of retro sensibility, watch for taller rubber in the future.
Remember when the low-riders had those mini wheels and giant wheel wells (they looked like everyone was driving around on their spares). Then the whole thing switched to giant wheels.
Fashion does that, a few souls braving mockery to set the new 18 months everyone thinks the new way is the only it pant legs, or hairdos, or car wheels. So, my prediction is tall retro rubber, especially with some white walls (on the right cars...Chrysler 300s), and steel rims.

Blah blah blah about fashion. I guess that's what you get from a designer like me (hey, I can draw a wrench). And one who doesn't yet have a's all fantasy. (The women in my dreams are perfect too.)

PS, no offense to anyone with cars styled in any way that I criticized above. Just talking about my own prefs. The cool thing is that each gets their own. Especially with fashion switching, and coming back around, so rapidly...everything is fair. And as a designer, I like more styles than I could ever afford to have. Right now, I'd be happy with a faded, primer blotched, old stickered, ugly wheeled, beast with a loud rusted muffler (but only the muffler). ;-)