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Reply to "Pantera alloy radiator"

Because of the iron engine and aluminum radiator materials, corrosion is accelerated due to the dissimilar metals. The best corrosion protection that I have found is manufactured by Applied Chemical Specialties who sell it under the name No Rosion. They used to sell the product Hyperkuhl which was a corrosion inhibitor and water wetter in on but has since sold off the Hyperkuhl line. No Rosion is a total corrosion protection product without the water wetter. I researched and found this to be the best product available and eventually became a distributor. It has been featured in several auto magazines and used to be recommended by Fluidyne (not sure if it still is)

See other threads for the information on corrosion:

You can see the product line at:

I'm not sure if there is a distributor where you are but if you are interested in becoming a distributor, contact me off line and I can help set you up as the owner and I have become personal friends.