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Reply to "Pantera as compared to others"


Welcome to the group! The Pantera is everything everyone else already said, and more! Despite being billed as impractical, I found her to be more practical than I ever would have imagined. Mine was so much fun to drive that it instantly became my daily driver when I bought it over 4 years ago. I've only just recently stopped driving it daily due to changing insurance companies. But with a 9 cu.ft. trunk space I can fit my golf clubs, gym bag, and my laptop. Try to do that in a Vette, Porsche, Ferrari, Viper, or whatever! Or, I can fit all of my wife's luggage for a weekend away. And the Pantera is truly a GT car. I've found it to be very comfortable on roadtrips - I think 6 hours is my longest 1-day stint so far. I could have driven it longer but I arrived at my destination.

Check out my "how to buy" page to start your Pantera education: