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Pantera needed for film shoot tomorrow PM (Jan. 8) $3500 being offered for "rental"

This is pretty short notice, but.....

I got a call from director Warren Fu who is looking for a black, white or silver Pantera for a film shoot tomorrow Jan. 8 in the evening. He had a car lined up but somehow it fell through.

They are offering $3500 to rent the car for the shoot. There are supposed to be no stunts but the car will be driven.

Here is his contact info

Rich Morgan in our chapter has a silver car so I called him. His is posted for sale on ebay now, so he declined. He used to work in the film industry and had a few cautions. He suggested getting the money up front and also a signed contract as to exactly what they are going to do with the car. If anyone is seriously interested you might give Rich a call at 310-541-3913, he'd be happy to talk with you.

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