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Precision Proformance Oil Pan - Parts

This is just for parts. includes damaged version of the pan shown attached and two factory steel pans used as cores for the rails (take your pick.)  I'll include pictures soon of the damage, just didn't have the heart to throw it away.  Basically the proformance sump can be cutout of the damaged pan and re-welded to one of the core units.  This is pretty much how all the aftermarket pans are made.  A decent fabricator should be able to handle the job.  I'll get more pics of the damaged pan so you can see the rest.  I have the pickup, cap studs, and windage tray.  I'm in central coast, ca, so halfway between LA and SF.  Offering it for free, but don't want to ship it.


Images (1)
  • panteraproformance
Last edited by hustler
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