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To: Pantera Place visitors

To improve our service to the de Tomaso community we’ve upgraded the website. We’ve added gigabytes of file space and added gigabytes of bandwidth. The site will continue to operate from the same business class host company to provide you with best service, reliability and availability. The new file space will allow us to continue our growth and add more great content.

The new site has been published and as the DNS servers around the world are updated with our new IP address you will be automatically connected to the new site. This should take place within the next 24 to 48 hours. It took hours to load all the files to the new site and hopefully everything published correctly! Please let me know if you find any dead links or missing images.

I want to thank all the loyal followers of Pantera Place that continue to provide financial support and technical information for the website and have helped it grow to be the most content rich de Tomaso website in the world. Donations to Pantera Place can be made at

Thank you for your support.

Mike Dailey
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