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Reply to "Paul Walker Dead"

Mark, I suspect you would be just fine. The biggest surprise is to people who don't know about mid-engine car handling.
If you drive a CGT responsibly and aware, it is just like any other stiff, high-powered mid-engine 2wd sports car.
The biggest problem I encountered with a friends CGT is that there is no "flywheel effect" and the clutch is a light switch. Makes for many embarrassing stalls. Imagine your GT 40 with 200 more horsepower and no bottom end.
Once you get it moving it is just like any other high performance mid-engine car. If you get on the gas too hard with a quick revving engine like that, things are going to go sideways and backwards.
It is definitely "old school" with no meaningful traction control or stability systems. You just have to use your head and not do stupid stuff-just like in a high powered Pantera. Luckily, with a Pantera you have torque down low which makes everything so much easier. Smiler
AWD Lambo's, Porsche Turbos, Nissan GTR's etc. have made everybody forget what old school 2wd mid-engine cars handled like.
Just like the old Porsche 930's, if you are not careful it will bite you.
