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Reply to "peoples choice award"

Originally posted by Coz:
Wish I could say that about the Pantera owners here. We have drivable weather pretty much 10 months a year and getting them out to do anything as a group is a joke, unless it's a car show or a once a month meeting. Then all they do is sit around in a circle jerk and talk the same old BS. Boring as can be. I don't waste my time anymore with local car shows or meetings for the most part. To clicky and a waste of time for my taste.


I have to agree(glad somebody has the balls to say it), made time to attend the monthly meeting last Wedensday, 25 members in attendance, 2 Pantera showed. Needless to say, I'm done with the circle jerk, that was my last meeting!
Not saying I'd drive cross country in 6808(she really isn't a great touring car)but I did build what I think is a show car, and I intend to drive her like I stole her!I really do too!

Mark 6808