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Reply to "peoples choice award"

Wow, this cold Northeastern Canadian forum sure is getting some Southwestern heat!

I think Coz is reeling from the recent lack of participation and poor response to some great events he planned. Heck, if I lived there I would have been to all of them. All day track time without the pressure of speed differential to worry about? What a great way to learn the limits of our cats! And all for next to nothing. With lunch included. Awesome, Dude.

But Coz must have realized by now that like all great politicians who deliver for their constituents, they are eventually let down by the same folks who adored them. It's a fact of life. Not cars. Or clubs. Expect less and you will be disappointed less often.

Who wants to go to a Pantera meeting where guys leave their cars at home and then show up to bitch and moan. Might as well stay home, tell your wife she's looking a little heavy and sit through a shitstorm without getting off the couch.

Like Rob says, in our CDN group we make a few calls, send some emails and then maybe meet with 2 or 4 or 14. Whatever. No pressure. No commitment. No fees. But this a new group. With few owners and very little history. Move us to the west coast where this all began, with a history of 200 cars in Vegas and things would be different. Big time events have created a big time infrastructure. Like Coz indicated, new blood is good. But a new attitude could work too. Just start fresh with the simple objective of having fun with friends.

Which brings me to our Canadian group. Maybe we should start fresh too and put a little more structure into our loose organization?

So from now on we will meet religiously each 2nd Tuesday at precisely 7:00 PM. Late attendees will be fined. Failure to attend two meetings in a row will mean exclusion. Failure to bring your Pantera will result in a public beating in your driveway. In order to attend a major event - like Kingston - you will have to have attended 84% of all meetings.

Good. Now we have the basis for a fun relationship.

Just kidding.