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PI Editor preparing new book on Shelby

Announcement to PI members in Sweden, Germany, GB, Australia, etc.

Dear PI members:
I am a great fan of Brock Yate's Against Death and Time and his previous
book Outlaw Machine , about Harley, both of which I recommend. I am
completing a book which an overseas publisher might be interested in
publishing and hoped you could spread the word.

It is about the life of Carroll Shelby, the race car driver who won LeMans
in 1959 and later went on to create the Cobra car.

The book covers his entire life, from his early years in the Service to
today--all 81 years. The style does not employ a fictional narrator like
Yates'Against Death and Time but is inbetween Against Death and Time and
Yates' Outlaw Machine in style. It is purposely kept light and breezy so as
not to bog the reader down in technical discussions about carburetor cfm and
the like.

A previous book I wrote on Carroll Shelby, called Shelby's Wildlife: the
Cobras and the Mustangs, sold 50,000 copies. There is a lot more interest in
Carroll Shelby now than there was when that book made its debut.

I envision a hardbound with 16 pages of pictures, about half of which could
be in color.
I could turn in the manuscript, which now runs 42,000 words, March 1st. If
you know any publishers, please let them know about it.


Wallace A.Wyss
box 55095
Riverside,CA 92517
Original Post