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POCA Fun Rally!

The 31st annual POCA Fun Rally!
Is Less then Two Weeks away!

caravan or solo
if you are traveling to Arizona for the 2012 poca fun rally
a good thing to have is a plan B radio.
Sure you have a cell phone and sure you have a AM/FM
to listen to the local news but what if you are on a two lane road that
comes to a stop and you don't know why or
how long you will be stopped? That is why a portable CB
radio will come in handy. I am in no way suggesting that you jibber
jabber on the dam thing as you travel along
NO but IF traffic comes to a halt the Truckers
will ALL be talking about what happened and where.
Yes i know CB radio (old school) but it still works!
you can buy them now as
A small portable walkie talkie that fits in the glove box
and if you need to find out what happened you can listen in.

GMRS radios also come in handy if traveling in a group these are tiny
two-way UHF radios that are great for short distance communications
within your group
Trailer your Pantera?
If you are towing you car to Arizona
DO NOT put it on your trailer backwards
I can't tell you how many people have done this
and have rolled in to the lot with
a destroyed rear lid, roof and windshield
(yes windshield ) because the deck lid
caught the air so hard it broke the lid struts
clean off and continued on to crush the roof
and bust the windshield!
Is this graphic enough for you? Just Don't do it.
also with regard to towing start looking for
A (pre ramp) simple wood 2x4's or steel?
these are put in front of the trailer ramps
to get the car off the ground before the spoiler runs
into the steel/aluminum ramps. This is something you don't
want to find out after you have picked up the u-haul trailer
and are ready to leave for AZ
If you are renting a trailer you might want to go
to the rental yard beforehand and see what the ramps
and tie downs are like so you don't have any last
minute oh sit's
For most of you this is common knowledge.
I hope to see everyone at the Wild Horse Pass
It's gonna be a Great Time..
So remember...Be Safe.... Drive Safe AND
(Backwards tow is a NO NO)!
I am honored that POCA members have voted to have the
31st Annual Fun Rally here in Arizona and like any good host
we will do our best to make sure everyone has a Great time.
And especially we would like everyone to feel at home here
with regard to assistance in any thing that is needed
The Arizona Chapter members are your go to guys for local
Help and Assistance .........see you soon! safe! Smiler
Original Post