Music is important. As soon as I entered the Alps, I put on Pavarotti’s top 50. Yes Opera. I listen to opera very seldom, but here it was appropriate. I listened to opera constantly for the next 4-5 hours. Perfect!
When I again needed more gas, I came across something rare these days: service. An employee offered to help me fill up! Really? Since I have two tanks meaning hose across the back of the car and you have to use a certain angle to not get the automatic stop all the time, I asked him to let me do it myself. I of course tipped him for staying away, not his fault that I’m sensitive, right?
Again I have to say, those roads were just as exciting as the German roads had been boring. When entering Italy, I could have been on motorway almost all the way, more beautiful surroundings, but I turned off and went via Cortina D’Ampezzo. Even better twisty roads. Fabulous!