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Reply to "President Obama's tax cuts/increases"

Did you look at your 401K? Wall Street is not happy with the way things are going either -- and this is their guy.

I really hate to do this but Bush was one of those holier then thou ass!@#$ who wants to get rid of SS and set up private savings plans?? Unless the government is willing to insure our 401k's they will never be as stable as a defined pension.
As far as Wall Street and the banks go screw them they got us into this mess along with the lax regulation the corporate culture that said regulation was the reason they couldnt make the money they should be making. Playing the stock market is just like gambling and if you dont want to gamble then take your money out of it!
Regulation needs to be in place for the reasons they were put into play after the Great Depression.
Sorry but people sure do forget the history of this country.