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Reply to "President Obama's tax cuts/increases"

Hey guys, I don't tkink the governemet wants to go back to the (what did I see) 91% during the Eisenhower years. Those were good years for business weren't they? Personnaly as a Canuck I wouldn't live anywhere else, but there is a need for social medecine, good education and some form of 'audited' city, state, federal managed programs. I peronally can't believe US medical cost, and how about electricity. Then cutbacks on stuff like levys in New Orleans. The lobbyists are the one running the country(ies). They pushed and allowed many things that killed local, domestic busineses and industry. (WallyMart and free-er trade) And then to top it off all those f*kin mortgages that were packaged and sold on Wall Street were the main reason Wall Street crashed. ( hey I guess lobyists and COEs were just thinking about the short term payoff)

Look at all the 'stuff' we own. The average person buys it on credit and then pays the minimum payment so they can buy more next month. The Italians, Polish, Greeks... that came to NorthAmerica after the WW11 are the one who helped build the econmy we knew. They had 2-3 jobs worked 18 hours a day and often spent as little as possible so they could buy a house, or start a business. Meanwhile grandma babysat the grandkids and all the adults were working. Now it seems the Eastern Europeans are no longer the majority of immigrants. The new imigrants are taking those jobs we don't want, cabbies, gas station, restaurants, convenience stores all those businesses that handle CASH (the underground economy). Can you or I say we only made $50 today, no our boss or the accountant states exactly how much most of us earned. Now if you are the business owner you may have a few perks on the side, but if you are the CEO of a large corporation the perks are exponential.
Usually the smart person who has a larger income will have more 'deductions' (hopefully it is not the interest on your mortgage), business expenses from a (or more) business(es) is a good example. To expect to get government services without paying taxes is ridiculous. Even at 35% tax it is still a good return, now add you health benefits cost then cost of higher education ( be it yours or your kids) and you will see you tax ratio. Now I am not saying there isn't a need for better audits, but we are splitting hairs.
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