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Push Button Panteras, more questions.

i have my car running again, i dont think i have near enough insurance on the car, and need to set a value on it. Hagerty has been great to deal with as an insurance company, but i cannot find any sales history or even asking prices to set a value on a clean original California Push Button.

is there a way to buy back issues of the PI magazine and research ads? i do want to join up with them to get the mag ( and parts!) but i have been buried with work.

i may still purchase another Pantera to play with, i feel mine is a bit too rare to go slogging through traffic in. the later L cars seem to have more improvements, but are worth less, yet the chrome bumper cars ( non push button) have been going for some respectable amounts it seems.

i did a thread search and could not find any range for Push Button selling prices. maybe i should see what it will bring and insure it for a bit more than that!



Michael , 71 Pushbutton *1355*
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