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Reply to "Push Button Panteras, more questions."

My thoughts,

We don't receive any inquiries at the club from buyers seeking pushbuttons, there is no demand for them verses the supply to drive the prices up. The "hot" cars these days are the wide bodies, everybody wants a wide body.

I don't see any particular reason why a pushbutton should be valued much higher than the other Ford spec Panteras IF the car in question has been modified in any way. If the Pantera in question is not original color, with original wheels, chrome trim, original interior and original engine & engine bay, then its just another modified Pantera. Like any modified Pantera its value shall be based on condition and the desirability of the modifications that have been performed. I do buy into the idea that the pushbuttons make an ideal "potential" collector car due to the limited number built and their hand built nature. An all original pushbutton Pantera in great condition is indeed worth a premium price. The buyer looking for such a car would be willing to pay that premium price too. But any modifications to the car will spoil the collectable nature of the car.

The reality is that we in the Pantera hobby have a skewed idea of what concours means, of what a show room stock car is. So many owners who think of their cars as "stock" have blacked out trim, or aftermarket wheels (Campy clones), or a dressed up engine, or they have smoothed & painted the engine bay, or they have painted their car a color something other than the original color. Take a car like that to a true concours show, and pit it against the concours Ferraris and Maseratis, it won't make it to first base.
