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Reply to "Question for my friends on the DTBB"

Even during the Monica-blue dress-cigar days of Clinton, his approval ratings stayed in the 60%-70% range.

Bush's is now down in the 30% range, and a recent poll of the SOLDIERS in the sandbox showed they thought we should get out.

Bush lied at the beginning, he lied since, and he'll keep lying. And his lies, unlike Clinton's, are costing American lives.


Iraq civil war is likely just around the corner and we have already been in the middle of another country's civil war with over 50,000 coffins sent home to us as a result.

Current dead in the war on terror, including Afgahnistan, is 2,463.

See -

I support our troops 110%. They do their job as they are told to do. Bring them home NOW and leave Iraq to the civil war and the Halliburton gang.

Larry "I don't have to like Bush to love my country"
