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Reply to "Questions regarding George's 275/285 Custom Street Cam Profile"

Like I said, camshaft recommendations are a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

Maybe the crux of the situation is over the term "driveability" and exactly what that means.

Probably the most driveability the Pantera ever had was bone stock?

It is very difficult to have a "tear your balls off" performance and "driveability" in the same package. I can't think of even one vehicle ever built that had both at the same time, in the same package.

The Pantera certainly did not but it had "potential". It all depends on exactly what you want out of the car.

I will say this with absolutely no remorse. If you are putting Weber IDA's on the car and want it to be a "cruisemobile" then you are positively misunderstanding what the carbs are all about, and you are absolutely wasting you time and effort.

The set up was conceived of for road racing PERIOD. IF you should happen to be compliant enough in your concept of acceptances than MAYBE you can live with them? Maybe?

This crap about what camshaft to get for them is just bulls..t. If you are worrying about that now, you definitely are already over your head with these things. Just my very humble opinion on the subject, but it is just that. My opinion.

That and $7.50 will get you over the GW Bridge most of the time. Unless Chris Cristi doesn't like you.