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Reply to "Quick Release Steering Wheel Hub"

DT, as far as buttons go, you are going to like this, they are available as an add on to the Momo wheel.

Doug you are an inspiration to me. You made me realize that there are practical things that I can do to make my car more comfortable to me. Yeah I would love to have a fancy steering wheel and some day I will. But for now I am thinking I will make myself some wooden inserts for the spokes of the wheel I have to make it more presentable looking. I have come to realize I will never have the money to do the things I fantasize about doing to my car. So I am looking more at what I can afford instead of what I want. I am coming up with a 15 year plan of restoration. Most of that involves saving up money for work that must be done that can not be performed without actualy taking the car out of commision. It also involves shopping for inexpensive components I know I will need as well as contingency plans for things I will not know for certain I need until after the car has been dismantled. I know this may not be your approach to things, however your presense keeps me grounded in reality of what is possible and practicle, vs what I can dream up. You are a priceless asset to this forum and I thank you for being here for me.