your illustration shows the vent on the far common tank, thus there will be a slighly higher pressure here than if it was on the exit tank. Is that intentional?
on my increasing getting longer list of things to do, I was planning on having a local radiator shop inspect/rebuild my original radiator and possibly reuse it. another question I am having is the use of the original bolt on fan switches. Is there an adaptor to use the more common threaded switches.
with all due respect

"The fan switch should be located in the radiator's inlet tank (the lower tank) so as to sense the coolant temperature regulated by the thermostat."
I was thinking if the switch was located in the outlet tank, it could determine if there was air flow causing the exiting fluid to be cooler than the thermostat regulated radiator inlet temp and thus start and stop the fan based upon car speed. it appears the original design's intent was to do this (with a 10c and 20c drop for a 192F thermostat), but the horizonal tank baffle modification defeated that for one of the switches. Is there experance to indicate this does not work?