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Reply to "Rear axle rebuild"

FWIW, I searched a few years ago on E-Bay and found a 0-1000 ft-lb Snap-On torque wrench that sold for $150 delivered. The thing is 4 ft long but the handle comes off for shipping & storage. Weighs 10 lbs. It's a 1" square drive for which there are adapters, and it has a dial indicator with a triple-A battery built in that lights up an indicator when you reach a preset torque. You're quite a ways away from the dial on the end of that handle! Snap-On still sells these things new (for $600) but I guess the market is pretty restricted. Only other time I ever used such a monster was in Aerospace, torquing giant bolts on a rocket motor. If you do many Pantera stub-axles or a very few other high-torque fasteners, the price was right- maybe for a club-buy?