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rear brake problem?

I have a 71' with stock brakes. The only thing non-stock is the master cylinder. Anyways, I noticed that both of the rear rotors have surface rust on both sides. This leads me to believe that they aren't working properly. I jacked the rear off the ground, started the engine, and when the brake pedal is pressed I couldn't turn the rear wheels. They turn freely when the pedal isn't pressed. The pads are almost worn down but they should still be working enough to clean the rust off. Anyone have any suggestions of what's going on here? Also, the car seems to stop fine in my opinion. I'll be replacing the pads soon, which leads me to my next question. How much should I expect to pay for replacements all the way around? I'm not ready to upgrade calipers or other brake parts unless I have to. With summer coming up I need to get this air conditioner working, and I'm starting with stock components. Thanks for any replies..
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