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YES! At any high speed driving, MY eyes are on the road! What is behind me "Don't mean noth'in". In the movie "The Gumball Ralley". Just before the race starts, and they are still back in the garage in New York prepping; Franco snaps the rearveiw mirror off of the Ferrari, throws it in the back and makes the statement. Maybe you are thinking of another movie or of the Cobra; which by the way, if you ever see that movie again, when they get to the point where they are driving fast through the L.A. aquaducts and they come UP OUT of there, if you look real close and fast because it's just a flash shot, you will see that they "Lost it" in the water because the idiot driving smashed up the nose on that beautiful 427 Cobra. And I was wrong previously, there IS ONE rule in American driving! And that is BE FIRST at the FINISH!! All the best, Marlin.