Disassembled the rear uprights from the car and I could clearly hear bearing noise. Oddly enough the bearings were louder from the driver side of the car on the bench. To a lesser degree on the passenger side even though on the road the passenger side was noticeable loader. Clearly these have been replaced before.
Digging deeper today and removing the axles (impact wrench and proper socket used; they were damn tight) there is noticeable wear on the mating surface at the outer bearing on the driver side. This axle also appears to be the newer design with a full thickness front flange and a shallow rear hole. The passenger side is of the original design and showed no signs of damage. The spacer tubes had light compression on them from the bearing retainer plates and were able to be pushed around after the screws were removed. There was also no interference between any of the bearing ID’s and any of the axles (slide right apart).
The lower bronze bushings were a mess although they had installed grease fittings a poor job of drilling them through to the shafts didn’t help much. Getting the bearings removed at the shop and start the rebuilding process next.