Finally back to this project with the two new axles and necessary parts. We cold pressed everything together and the Uprights with the axles are back together with stock replacement bearings; but not without some issues. Our uprights had been apart before for bearing replacement. The shields were not reinstalled which is common today but someone put a .032 inch shim to help take up the missing outer shield space. Does someone know how thick the outer shield is? Knowing this thickness would help with getting the caliper centered over the disc. During disassembly I noticed I small contact gouge from the rotation of the back side of the disc/stud area in the bearing retaining plate on one upright. Nothing much just a scrape thru the retaining screw faces. We corrected the depths of the counterbores and used flat head cap screws to secure the bearing retainer plates. However we had a few original wheel studs that had goofy threads and new studs were installed. When pressed it all together everything bound up! We found that the heels on the new studs (with the flat on the diameter) were approximately .016 inch taller than the production wheel studs. We had new spacing shims made from hardened blue tempered flat stock at .026 inch thick. We installed two shims per side (.052 total) and removed the original shim of .032. We now have full rotation with the bearings fully seated. On to the lower shaft assembly.
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