In a perfect world...where everyone actually pops the pistons out of the calipers each time when replacing the pads.....this normally wouldn't be much of an issue.....but when you are dealing with 45 years of crud and neglect..... it's either sacrifice all the skin on my knuckles trying to clean the varnish and rust off of the initial bore area (outside the seal), or print some more Benjamins up....! Someone cut down my money tree...bugs or some such nonsense.....!

With as many calipers that Girling produced that split in half, they are out there....
I've seen mention of dealers having them...but no one has them in their online wares.....
Later today, will let fingers do the walking while they still can!
I never thought I'd say this......but the Goose was a lot easier to work least in this area! But I have only begun....!
Gotta stop before I can go!