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restoration(?) issues

I never expected the restoration on my car (completed in January and delived in February)to be perfect and I wasn't disappointed. But, I had chosen the restoration vendor largely because I thought they would stand behind their work. The easy problems required a part sent and I fixed it. There have been several ongoing problems (an alignment problem, engine runon, and a bad speedo cable). After driving the car to their shop (a 2 day effort on my part and cost of about $250 for gas and lodging) nothing got fixed. So I visited a local tire store who quickly fixed the alignment problem and a local mechanic who fixed the runon problem at a cost of $550 to me. I am promised a new speedo cable, but that now is ongoing for a month so I expect I'll have to buy one from another vendor. Now for the exciting part. As my very brave wife and I were heading to Reno last week, the left rear caliper detached itself from the upright/disk and we instantly had no brakes on the I5 40miles south of Stockton at about 9:30 AM. After flat bedding the the car to Reno getting in at about 7 in the evening John Taphorn helped me get the car into the parking garage. Larry Stock was able to get us back on the road and we made it home safely. Then, after calling the shop who did the restoration to ask that they at least pay the expense of the tow/repair/ and damage done to the inside of the wheel, about $2500, (no one else has touched the brakes in the last 1 1/2 years) they basically refused to admit responsibility! I was told that they would "help me out" by paying 1/2 the cost. To their credit, I have received a check from them. My wife an I were lucky to get by with no injuries etc. and there was no damage to the car itself or the restorer would probably be dealing with insurance company attorneys. By the way, the shop did a great job on 98% of the project, but the owner has now put such a bad taste in my mouth that they will not get another dime of business from me. I'd sell the car first. Caveat Emptor is certainly the watchword for Pantera owners.
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