I definitely have to get my front Konis redone, I found trying to get the right one off it was leaking oil all over. I didn’t even know they contained all that much oil. Anyway, I am having difficulty getting the shock out due to the tight area. It seems I need to lower the A arms by unhooking something to get the shocks out. Looks like I may have two choices, (1) to unbolt the sway bar bracket and see if the A arm drops further or (2) take out the bolt just under the Koni shock where the lower A arm attaches to the wheel hub. I started loosening the sway bar, but stopped because I am not sure if the bar is under a lot of pressure with both wheels off and the suspension hanging, maybe I am asking for trouble that way. Any help would be appreciated before I get back at it, maybe the whole lower or upper suspension needs to be unhooked?
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