quote:Originally posted by David_Nunn:
Like it or not, the Ring Brother's Pantera has probably gotten more exposure and press than any other Pantera in history. It's not a coincidence that Pantera prices began their upward climb just after the RB Pantera was unveiled at SEMA in 2013, where it won the Best of Show award, as well as a bunch of other awards. Keep in mind, the RB Pantera was built as a show car. It was built to get attention and show off their fabrication skills. They succeeded. They could have built another kind of car for their SEMA build but they chose a Pantera. It's a good thing they did and we have all benefited. Not in any article, interview or video about the car did I ever read or hear the word "overheating". It's like the page has turned...finally. They also decided to sell it at the biggest televised auction, for even more good press. Oh, and thank goodness Richard Rawlings bought it because the public will likely get to see it a couple more times on TV.
There are times when opinions should be offered on a forum such as this but these should be kept to informed opinions on topics where it's appropriate. Subjective opinions should only be offered when they're asked for. People who post unsolicited negative, subjective opinions usually just come across as insecure and unsophisticated.
Well said.
BTW, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the RB Pantera.