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Reply to "Rust behind the front door"

Yes, it is the stuff that looks like wax -- it should never dry out and it creeps all over if full coverage is not done with metal brackets in the way. Yes, it does not allow oxygen in, so it cannot rust. It does work very well -- so well that BMW and Mercedes use it to this day in certain cars. I believe Waxoyl is the same product. It really creeps into all areas once it is sprayed into the box areas of the sheetmetal.

My guy that repainted my Jag also said that undercoating in a wet area of the country is a really bad idea. Once water gets between the undercoating the sheetmetal, which it will if you drive in water or rain, it will be just like a bathtub. He has seen many rust ruined vehicles that had undercoating installed on single thick sheetmetal and you could tell that it was the culprit. So that begs the question, then if undercoating is not good in a wet part of the country -- then what is it good for? If one uses it for sound or heat proofing, there are much better products out there for that.

Anyway, best of luck!!!!
