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Reply to "SF Bay Area Pantera Shops??"

Possibly my post was misconstrued.

I fully advocate the owner preforming his own work, I just caution against not replacing what I view as key safety elements of any car.

Brake hoses & fuel lines & cooling hoses being top priorities.

A broken 19 year old fuel line pouring raw gasoline atop a HOT engine is a sure fire way to completely ruin one's day, along with the car.

Also a 19 year old thermostat that hasn't opened in almost 2 decades along with a faulty temperature gauge can quickly overheat & not noticed until the damage has occurred.

Just recently got a 1959 MGA convertible engine's to start/run after sitting unstarted since 1993.

The top hose from the radiator to the thermostat was completely filled with a white calcium appearing substance, along with the thermostat housing being filled along with the cooling tube that runs through the intake manifold.

Perfect scenario for a warped head...Mark