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She's back!

"On the road again,"

5758 is back, all clean and shiny.

"I can't wait to get on the road again,
My life is making music with my friends..."

My eight friends ride in the back, and they are all members of the Cleveland Symphony! Yep, they are all glad to be back on the road.

(With apologies to Willie Nelson.)

The new paint looks great. I had a couple of suspect bubbles under the paint by the rear deck lid hinges before,and those are gone. There are no swirls in the paint from washing it, and it glistens like it's wet. I'm going to let it cure for a few weeks before risking the paint with bug splats. Smiler

My new rotors and pads are now on. (I crashed it on the way in to the appointment to get them installed.) I have new springs and fully-adjustable Koni shocks all around, a new swaybar, and the car no longer creaks when going over bumps.

I just puttered it along some country roads today to charge up the battery, keeping the speed down to protect the paint. After it is fully cured, I want to get some track time to check out the brakes and handling, and make any necessary adjustments.

I can't wait until I take it up to the Okanagan over the Hope-Princeton Highway this summer; it's going to be a blast!

Blaine, thanks for the call. I waited until noon to hear from Superior, and then decided to call them myself. Sure enough, it was ready.

Next up: wash the car cover, to make sure there is no gravel or dust in it.

Summer is starting to take shape. Smiler


Images (1)
  • 5758-back-home
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