Geeeeez finally mystery solved. When the slave rod was ground down some to shorten it a little, the rod lip that is close to the ground down end was binding at the contact point within the slave, so essentially this lip was not allowing the slave rod contact to rock fully when the clutch arm was returing. I compared the pivot distance of my old rod to this ground down rod just doing a test in my hand, and the difference is very significant. If I grind down that lip I believe it will now pivot fine. However, now I am contemplating a long throw anyway for two reasons: (1) it is much harder to press the clutch and for the life of me I coulnd't understand why I was experiencing pack problems again on my left side after my run with the car around the neighborhood...now I know, and (2) I have an aluminum master up front, and if the pedal is this hard to press with a long throw, then I wonder what kind of pressure it is exerting on the master. However, for anyone without back problems needing more throw, the distance acquired with a long throw slave is quite sigificant over a standard unit. See photo of the lip I am talking about at the tip of the rod, I think you can see which rod is old vs new