...Yes, I started learning on South Bend Lathes, back in 1963 when I was 12 Years Old. 'Turning a Shaft True Between Centers' using a 'lathe Dog'. Can be flipped end for end and remain true.
The teacher, R. Coleman, was adamant about the Belts being Loosened at the end of every class. If you didn't have safety googles on, don't come in the shop.
Never ask 'WHY', if so, he would hit the top of your head with his fist.
He was a Instructor for Navy Machinists during world war II...would tell me, at the end of classes he would have to go down a row of 150 Lathes and 'Lever Up' Each one to Loosen the Belts.
In most recent years...a Navy Machinist, who I worked with, told Me, "If You ever Left the Chuck Key in the Lathe Chuck, You would be Punished, By having to Wear it Around Your NECK for a Week!!"
Upon graduation in 1966, I was Awarded the Trophy for Best Student in 'Metal Shop'. We Learned most all phases.