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Reply to "Speeding ticket"

The argument that a Police officer uses in court is that he has been trained to recognize a person who is exceeding the speed limit.

Your question as the Defendant has to be, that you object because the Officer has not show any documentation that he 1) has been trained 2) the training is 100% accurate and irrefutable 3) he has been calibrated periodically just like the mechanical equipment he uses is required to be.

You must ask that the case be dismissed because without that documentation by the Officer, this is heresy evidence.

A person, any person has no special dispensation that allows them to accurately measure a vehicles velocity merely by judgement.

It is not in the Statutes, and acceptance of technical evidence by the Court must be corroborated.

You can save yourself a lot of time, effort and money in the whole thing because there isn't one Court in the United States that will NOT accept an Officers testimony as Gospel without any other support.

You can of course appeal this and theoretically wind up in the Supreme Court in three to five years...maybe.

They might want to hear the case if you present it as outlined above, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Best thing to do is to plead not guilty, appear at your appointed time and see what the Prosecutor is offering that day. It is usually kicked down to a lesser charge if you plead guilty which is the smarter thing to do in the long run.

If you take it to trial you will also likely get the maximum fine for the offense, just to add insult to injury.

The only case I saw get withdrawn was a bicyclist who was charged with failure to yield to a flashing yellow light.

The Prosecutor must like bicyclists? Some of the ones I've seen should go to jail...but I digress.

Oh. I was told by a "friend" who was a traffic control officer, that the only excuse that works is to tell him/her, that "you just got a phone call". Now whatever you do, don't say it was on your cell phone because they might want to "look at" your incoming calls to verify this.

The story is that you are rushing to the hospital emergency room and if they are a human being, which knowing many cops is doubtful to begin with, pick a hospital that is close, because the officer might offer to give you and escort there? Wink