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Reply to "Speeding ticket"

In much of Canada (not sure about Quebec, sorry David) you can request a copy of all evidence related to the case (copies of the front and BACK of the Officer's copy of the ticket and any other notes the officer made at the time to which he may refer at trial) and, if it isn't provided to you in advance of your court date (I understand it is rarely sent), you show up and request the charge be dismissed - typically it isn't, but they'll reschedule the court date and order that you be sent the materials. At the second court date one of 2 things will usually happen, a) the officer doesn't show up the second time because it isn't one of his/her scheduled court dates (so it's thrown out), or b) they still haven't sent you the 'discovery' materials and in this case you request it be dismissed on the grounds that your right to a prompt trial has been infringed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (and it's thrown out) ... even if it is sent, you can still take a shot at arguing your right to a prompt trial has been infringed if it's been more than some number of months (I'm not sure if the precedent is 12 or 18 months) before they get you back in court.