In the above pic, you can also see where I formed the lower lip of the snorkel down into the body. Spot welder wouldn't fit in there so it was gonna get welded from the outside.... Top lip is not yet formed...but I later determined to just weld it and cut off the excess.
It's now looking more like my air cleaner!

Welding on the bottom of the snorkel.

I didn't need a full weld here....so half butt welded it....some cleanup to come!
I did a full seam weld along the top, on the inside. This is the right side after cleanup with a cutoff wheel and the ball bit, and file.

Here is the left side before welding. (I had left more of an upper "tab" area after cutting out the first pieces of tin...to account for more material to work with. This turned out to be a good thing to do! The extra metal acted as a heat sink during welding and I had almost no burn thru, as I had with the other side, which had about 1/4" less material sticking out.)

Here is that same side after welding and cutting off the excess and doing some work with a 1/4" ball headed cutter and a little file work....OK, a LOT of file work!

Today, after working with the grinder and files to get all where I wanted, I had one more welding task to finish. A fitting to connect the breather on the valve cover, to the air cleaner.
Came up with this!

Again this is after some ugly welding, and a lot of filing! Too bad no one will ever see this!!!!
Next post!